Watch Our Services
Stay connected and worship with us remotely!
First CRC offers three viewing options to keep up with our worship services "LIVE" as they are happening, and/or you can access past services anytime!
1 - Website Live Streaming Option
Choose the "Live Streaming" link on the left menu to watch our church worship services directly from the web. Click the play button when the church service begins. The video typically starts about 10-15 minutes prior to the service.
The live streaming will also store previously recorded services. Choose the "Recorded Services" link from the left menu. Then scroll through the list and click on any video that you’d like to watch.
2 - Roku Channel Streaming Option
If you have a Roku device, you may use the following link on your home computer, to set-up First CRC's Roku Channel and watch services via your Roku device. The channel code for First CRC is: firstcrcrv. To add the channel to your Roku device, go to the following website and follow the steps that are prompted: You will need to login with your personal Roku User ID and Password, so please have that available when prompted.
These instructions are only needed for the initial set-up of the Roku Channel onto your device. After you have completed these initial set-up instructions, you can then access the services direct from your First CRC Roku Channel going forward.
Once your First CRC Roku Chanel is established, you can view live services and past worship services anytime.
3 - Premier Communications Cable
We also show our services live on Premier Communications Cable channel #76. This option is limited to Premier Communications Cable subscribers in Rock Valley and Doon only.
You can also listen to previous sermons through Apply Podcast. Click here to listen to previous sermons.