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Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

At First CRC, we offer the following ministries for adults:

  • Click the heading to see all the Bible Study opportunities available for the 2023-24 season.

Adult Choir, Praise Team, Pianist or Organist


Adult Choir and Praise Team are open to anyone who has a passion for praising God in song. The choir sings special numbers on particular Sundays, including holidays and Sundays where events are celebrated. The praise team leads the congregation in singing during our worship services.  And our pianists and organists bless us with the accompaniment.


Sound, Video, or PowerPoint


These 3 groups provide for our technology needs during the services.  The sound system manages our microphones and pre-recorded music.  The video system provides the video to our cable channel and internet stream.  And the PowerPoint system controls the slides presented to the congregation during the services.

Nursery Helper, Greeter, or Usher


Helping out with nursery is an opportunity for anyone 4th grade and up.  During each service we provide a mix of adults and youth to provide care for the littles.  Greeters and ushers are there to welcome us and assist us at each service.  It takes many hands to make our worship services happen.  We are always in need for more people to assist in these areas.



There are many other committee opportunities to serve in.  This ranges from building upkeep, fellowship activities, leading the youth, delivering meals, serving at funerals, and many more.  If you are willing to use your gifts and talents in service to the church, there is likely a committee that needs you.